N头条>英语词典>lost cause翻译和用法

lost cause

英 [ˌlɒst ˈkɔːz]

美 [ˌlɔːst ˈkɔːz]

n.  业已失败的事情; 没有希望的事情



    • 业已失败的事情;没有希望的事情
      something that has failed or that cannot succeed


      • N-COUNT 必败无疑的事;无望之人
        If you refer to something or someone asa lost cause, you mean that people's attempts to change or influence them have no chance of succeeding.
        1. They do not want to expend energy in what, to them, is a lost cause.



      • a defeated cause or a cause for which defeat is inevitable


        • It not only delay the time of drilling 、 extend drilling period 、 spend a lot of lost circulation material, but also cause a series of accident such as sticking 、 well spout 、 collapse.
        • Finding love where you labor is never a lost cause.
        • The owner of Source doesn't provide any technical support, nor liable to Users for any lost or damage that cause by the Source.
        • Some were wasting their energies on a lost cause though-six percent revealed they had secretly fancied the groom, with three per cent admitting they had even been romantically involved with the man of the hour before he met his bride.
        • I bent the knee because I saw no sense in dying for the dead nor shedding Bracken blood in a lost cause.
        • Shannon, I assure you and all who have lost a loved one that our cause is just, and our country will never forget the debt we owe Micheal and all who gave their lives for freedom.
        • His attempt to row across the Atlantic in a bathtub was a lost cause right from the start!
        • It was a foolish risk, taken in a lost cause, but he was itching to get to it.
        • The fires in Complex is prone to make tremendous economic lost and cause lots of death because of the huge interior space, large fire load, complicated candidate and the difficulty of egress.
        • Through count market forces, We analysis the social welfare lost cause by monopoly and discuss the method of surveying market forces 'economic effect.